Individual Therapy

I’m guessing you’re here because you need some help. After all, if you’d been able to figure it out on your own, you wouldn’t be looking for a therapist. 


You’ve probably tried just about everything and you’re not sure what to do now. All you know is, despite your best efforts you still 

  • feel not-good-enough 
  • feel the crushing weight of others’ or your own expectations for yourself and don’t know how to let go
  • are stuck in patterns of people-pleasing or perfectionism  
  • just don't like yourself much
  • are experiencing anxiety or having panic attacks 
  • deal with a lot of stress 
  • can't stop worrying 
  • are always looking over your shoulder or waiting for something bad to happen 


Or maybe, you’ve gotten a diagnosis of anxiety, PTSD, or C-PTSD, and want help understanding what this means for you. 


Maybe you grew up in a difficult family dynamic or have experienced a lot of difficult or traumatizing events and you’re ready to process the impact they’ve had on you. 


Maybe you have worked with other therapists, and it didn’t feel good or the changes didn’t stick.


I offer: 

  • non-judgmental healing space 
  • consistent belief in your ability to heal 
  • strategies and information to help make sense of what's going on  
  • observation of where societal messages might be showing up  
  • ideas and resources to support yourself or find support 
  • advice if you want it 

I provide individual trauma therapy in-person in Baltimore City and online for folks anywhere in Maryland.

Work with me feels warm, compassionate, accepting, non-judgmental, gently challenging, educational, and healing.

Folks who I work with have successfully shifted their patterns of unhealthy relating and coping. As a result, they feel more expansive, confident, and healthy.

I offer appointments on an ongoing basis at weekly, biweekly, or monthly frequency, depending on your goals and my availability.

During individual therapy, I:

  • value and prioritize developing a safer and non-judgemental healing relationship with you so we can get to the roots of your pain
  • share a lot of information and sometimes insight or analysis about what you’re going through so you can better understand your mental health and patterns
  • help you access scary, painful, difficult, or hidden emotions and offer emotionally reparative experiences so you feel more in charge of your emotional life
  • help you explore your inner world through body sensations and inner child/parts to heal old wounds
  • support you in learning and consistently using healthier coping skills 
  • help you break down barriers so that you have access to the skills you need to successfully navigate life
  • guide you through meditations and visualizations that support your healing goals

I work best with folks who:

  • are ready to bravely explore their inner life
  • are open to healing exercises and experiences
  • want some feedback and information from their therapist
  • are ready to go deep in your healing and want to address the roots of the problems in your life, rather that continuing to address symptoms

My work is informed by:

  • attachment research
  • IFS (Internal Family Systems)
  • feminism and anti-oppression
  • Rogerian/person-centered approach
  • psychodynamic theory
  • AEDP (Accelerated Emotional Depth Processing)
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)


Ready to Get Started?

Book a free 20-minute virtual vibe check.  You’ll share about your goals and I’ll share about what working with me is like to see if we’re a good fit. 

Paying for Therapy


$170 - 45- to 50-minute appointment 


$255 - 75- to 80-minute appointment


I accept Maryland Medicaid and am an out-of-network (OON) provider for all private health insurance plans.


I can provide a superbill after each appointment that you can submit to your insurance for OON reimbursement or I work with Thrizer, a service that submits superbills on your behalf.


Most folks pay between $45 and $100/session with OON benefits, after meeting their deductibles. 


You can use an HSA or FSA to pay therapy fees.


All of my Medicaid and reduced fee appointments are currently booked, and my waitlist for these appointments is closed.

Scheduling An Appointment

Therapy appointments are: 

45- to 50-minutes or 

75- to 80-minutes. 


Appointment Hours: 

11am to 6pm (last appointment begins at 5pm) Monday through Wednesday


I do not currently have consistent appointment availability. If you have a very flexible schedule and are generally available during my appointment hours, we may schedule appointment-to-appointment until a consistent appointment is available. If you have limited availability and need immediate support, I suggest starting work with another therapist and adding yourself to my waitlist. 


To get started, book a free 20-minute virtual vibe check.

My License, Background, and Code of Ethics

I am a licensed social worker in Maryland. My license number is 23320. LCSW-C means Licensed Certified Social Worker - Clinical.


I earned my Masters of Science, Social Work in clinical social work from the University of Texas at Austin in 2017. I've been practicing in social work and social work-adjacent roles since 2012. 


As a licensed social worker, I am bound to uphold the National Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics. I am strongly committed to adhering to this code. 


If after working with me or any other social worker, you believe a social worker has violated the Code of Ethics, you can make a complaint to the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners. 

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